Hello again fellow gamers and devs!
Unfortunately, it has been a bit of a rough week (couple weeks actually). For those who don't know me I suffer from Crohn's Disease. With medication things are usually very manageable. I've been past due on my medication for almost a month now, however, due to issues with my insurance requiring a follow up appointment making work alone more difficult. Not to mention I had to put in some extra time and effort this week into fixing things at my main place of employment that stopped functioning properly over the time we were closed. Also had 2 birthdays this week, my fiancé's and my mother's (Happy Birthday to them again by the way, love ya'll!), so I was much more pressed on time than I expected with work and my not feeling well and was unable to get the update on Probe live. I just got my medication today and already feeling much better. After a some needed R&R I was able to boot up the game to test the update tonight but, as game dev goes, ran into some new issues. Apparently, when using a controller and starting a level it starts the main menu music over again at the beginning of the level which it should not and does not when you use the mouse to navigate to a level and begin playing from the main menu. Having issues figuring out why as they are triggered by the same events in the code. Also noticed that it starts playing the music on my logo splash screen on boot at the wrong audio levels and not your saved audio level preference and not sure why.
I want to make sure these are all fixed and working accordingly before I make it live and would even like to try and test it on a computer that has never booted the game before as a precaution for new players if at all possible. Especially since the next step will be making a demo for the Steam Fall Games Festival which is only less than a week away now. Hoping I can get it all completed by then since I should be more physically and mentally available to work on it more this week.
Sorry for the delay and hope all is well.
Nathan Hicks
Nate Bit Games